Sketch - Notice history

All systems operational

Mac app - Operational

100% - uptime
Oct 2020 · 100.0%Nov · 100.0%Dec · 100.0%
Oct 2020
Nov 2020
Dec 2020

Web app - Operational

100% - uptime
Oct 2020 · 100.0%Nov · 99.84%Dec · 100.0%
Oct 2020
Nov 2020
Dec 2020

Document Rendering - Operational

100% - uptime
Oct 2020 · 100.0%Nov · 99.84%Dec · 100.0%
Oct 2020
Nov 2020
Dec 2020

Collab - Operational

100% - uptime
Oct 2020 · 100.0%Nov · 100.0%Dec · 100.0%
Oct 2020
Nov 2020
Dec 2020

Mobile app - Operational

100% - uptime
Oct 2020 · 100.0%Nov · 100.0%Dec · 100.0%
Oct 2020
Nov 2020
Dec 2020

Notice history

Dec 2020

No notices reported this month

Nov 2020

Increased error rate for document rendering and sign in
  • Resolved

    Our systems remained stable since the last update but we have waited until the underlying AWS issue has been marked as fully resolved. This is now the case so we are resolving this incident.

  • Monitoring

    We will continue to monitor this until the underlying issue with AWS is fully resolved but our systems are stable at this point and error rates with document rendering and authentication are back to expected levels.

  • Resolved

    We are no longer seeing any impact in our systems, we are continuing to monitor issues with our infrastructure provider (AWS).

  • Monitoring

    We are still seeing fluctuating errors rates with document rendering and authentication and continue to monitor the situation. We are being impacted by an issue with our infrastructure provider (AWS).

  • Monitoring

    Error rates are decreasing back to normal levels, we are continuing to monitor the situation.

  • Investigating

    Users on older versions of our Mac application may be experiencing issues signing in to Sketch Cloud. We are actively investigating this.

  • Investigating

    We are currently investigating an increase in errors during document rendering.

Oct 2020 to Dec 2020
